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February, 2025

Women's Club of Bethesda
5:00 PM
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Mark Your Calendars Now!! The Board of Bradley Hills Village is thrilled to invite members to join us to celebrate BHV’s Tenth Anniversary. The evening will be festive with a smooth jazz band, J Train, that also plays classic rock and soul tunes. Put on your dancing shoes and be ready to sing along during some sets. At this milestone moment, we have also foregone any speaker for the first time and instead organized our winter gathering as a dinner. We will be featuring an array of Greek dishes including vegetarian options and, of course, a cake! Please help us by registering now for the event so we can have an accurate count on meals. Please DO NOT register on this website page. Instead, use the invitation emailed to members. This is a members-only event. If you did not receive an invitation or are having issues registering, please email Again, if you register through this calendar, it WILL NOT count as your RSVP. For any questions about transportation to/from the event, what to bring, or how to support day-of, please email If you have any pictures of members at BHV events from the last 10 years, please also email them to
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We welcome everyone to join this dedicated group on hour-long walks around the neighborhood. Meet new friends and get some fresh air! We meet most Wednesdays at the Triangle Garden on the corner of Roosevelt and Garfield Streets. Please register for this event, and if you have questions or want updates on the walks, please email Scheduled walks are February 12,19,26 at 9:30. Note new time! Will walk if above freezing.
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February 9, 2:30-3:30 PM: Money Matters - Exploratory Meeting. On February 9 from 2:30-3:30 pm BHV member Alex Jamison is inviting BHV members to explore whether there is interest in forming an ongoing group to address topics related to personal finances. For example, topics could include investments, taxes, insurance, retirement and estates. At meetings attendees could share ideas, experiences, and online resources. Outside professionals could be invited to give presentations. The exploratory meeting will take place on Sunday February 9, 2:30-3:30 pm, at Lilit Café, 7921 Old Georgetown Road. Please be prepared to order something from the café as we will not be paying to use their space. You can preview the menu at: They do serve hot drinks although they are not listed on the menu. We will ask that tables be reserved for us, so please register for this meeting on the BHV website or by emailing For more information or to provide feedback, contact Alex Jamison at
4:30 PM
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Come join a group of BHV members where we can share stories from the Tenth Anniversary Gala and chew over other news of the day. Please register for this event, and if you have any questions, please email
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If you missed the first photography workshop last fall, be sure to join with others who are eager to continue to learn more about the tricks of using one’s smartphone to capture the mystery of trees that surround us in Bradley Hills Village. Winter offers a chance to see the dynamic and differing “bone” structure of trees without their leaves, often creating dramatic silhouettes. By contrast, the evergreen trees pull your eyes into their verdant luxuriousness against a relatively barren background. BHV member Bruce Paul Gaber, scientific illustrator, photographer, and pewter sculptor will continue to lead the group as part of Bradley Hills Village’s Heritage Tree Project, funded by the Maryland Department of Aging. All ages are encouraged to participate together to expand what they see and can do through photography. Please register here.
Triangle Garden
9:30 AM
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Join leaders of the Heritage Tree Project to discover the names of some of the trees that lose their leaves in the winter but have some distinguishing ways to broadcast what species they are, especially through their bark. Even without leaves, these trees are important shelter and food sources for some birds and wildlife alike. We are featuring a walk in Huntington Terrace this month. Expand your familiarity with the trees you share this earth with and that shadow us with care, leaves or no leaves. Learn more about how to match the tree with the local winter bird and do the reverse! Meet at the Triangle Garden at the corner of Roosevelt and Garfield Streets. Handouts provided.
7:30 PM
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he Bradley Hills Book Group will meet on Wednesday, February 19th to discuss Finding Me: A Memoir by Viola Davis. In this book, American actress Viola Davis chronicles her roller-coaster journey from growing up in abject poverty to Hollywood fame. Viola is deeply personal, vulnerable, reflective, funny and emotional about the path she took from being a scared young girl to becoming one of the most influential actresses of her generation. Please email Dianne McCutcheon at if you are interested in attending.
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If you love films and enjoy watching some of them in a movie theater instead of on the wall of your den or living room, join a group of us who want to see one of the Oscar nominated films for Best Picture and talk about it afterwards. We will let the group vote on whether to see The Brutalist or The Nickel Boys, both of which are currently playing at local theaters, but we will need to check where they will still be playing on Friday, February 21, since theaters typically don’t have set dates for shifting their showings. We will try to go to a late afternoon film and grab a bite afterwards. Carpooling available. Contact Caryn McTighe Musil ( if you are interested in attending.
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Tree Treasure Hunt for Winter Trees is repeated for adults and families that can’t make it to a weekday morning walk. Leave knowing more trees, birds, neighbors, and neighborhoods in Bradley Hills Village. Handouts provided. See February 19 description for more details.
2:00 PM
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Join novice and brand new players at this fun event at Gail’s home. Those interested in joining the game are encouraged to email to learn where the event will be held. Please register here.
3:00 PM
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Men’s Group at Armin’s house (6310 Swords Way). Phil Hugill will join and lead a short discussion of garden planning for spring. More details to come in February.
Q by Peter Chang
12:00 PM
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Join us for a delicious lunch at Q by Peter Chang. Reviewers say the food is always amazing and phenomenally tasty. He and his staff provide an incredible and authentic experience If you haven‘t been, you MUST go. Delicious lunch specials from $13-$15. We will be seated at a round table that is optimal if you wish to share. If you want to join us please email Betsy Carrier at by 2/25 so we can have a large enough table.
Bradley Hills Village 
PO Box 341823
Bethesda, MD 20827
(240) 600-1846