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HomeEnvironmental Group

Welcome to the BHV Environmental Group

Promoting environmentally healthy living spaces for all

The BHV Environmental Group aims to inform and engage our Bradley Hills community on issues affecting the environment and
climate change; to encourage environmentally friendly practices in our homes and neighborhood; and to enjoy the Beauty of Nature. 

Facilitators: Melissa Crown and Bill Primosch
email: bhvenviron at gmail dot com

Upcoming and Recent Meeting Schedule
Meetings are usually held on the second Tuesday of every month from 7 to 8 pm, with occasional exceptions. Please check the BHV Event Calendar. All BHV members are invited to attend.

January 14 - Zoom meeting 7-8 pm; Topic: Pros & Cons of Industrial Farming for Your Health, the Environment, and Feeding the World;  Meeting Documents 2025-01-14

November 11 - In person meeting at Corella Café: Perspectives on Environmental Concerns
October 8 - Speaker: Bob Musil; Topic: Election Impact on Environmental Issues
September 7 - Walking Tour of Woodend Nature Sanctuary
June 1 - In person gathering on Bill Primosch's patio – Backyard Talk on Going All-Electric - Cars and Homes
April 13 - C&O Canal Cleanup

March 5 - Field trip to Shady Grove Recycling Center to learn about county recycling policies and procedures - registration required
January 8 - In person gathering at the Corella Café in the Bethesda AC Hotel

October - Speaker: Carl Custer; Topic: 
The Link between Food Safety and a Healthy Environment
July 10 - Zoom meeting to watch and discuss excerpts on the awe and wonder of nature from Ken Burn's "The National Parks"
June - In person gathering on Bill Primosch's patio – an engaging discussion of specific topics of interest. (June 2023 summary)
May - Topic: Maintaining Global Biodiversity – Challenges and Solutions; Presentation: "What's the Rush?" a video by Doug Tallamy, Co-Founder of Homegrown National Park ("What's the Rush?")
March - Speaker: Alan Pultyniewicz, Recycling Coordinator, Montgomery Count DEP; Topic: Recycling in Montgomery County: Progress and Challenges
January - Speaker: Karen Metchis; Topic: Montgomery County Climate Action Plan (CAP)

(for past meeting schedule scroll to bottom of page)

Take Initiative – Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
Yard and Garden

Native Plants

Video of transformation from lawn to natives - Sustainable Garden in Virginia



My Green Montgomery - Benefits of Composting

Step-by-Step by Matt Munter - Composting 101 by Matt Munter

Montgomery County DEP - Order FREE Compost Bin

Learn about Local Issues and Initiatives

Gas Powered Leaf Blowers

Harmful Effects of GPLBs

Rebates for Electric Blowers

Solar Mowing!

Noise Ordinance Brochure

Documentaries on Climate and Environmental Topics

Kiss The Ground
Seed To Seed
Biggest Little Farm
The Pollinators

Past Meeting Schedule

December - Speaker: Louise Mitchell; Topic: Redesigning Our Communities for Life After Fossil Fuels
November - Discuss the 6 Environmental Pillars of Individual Responsibility – solar energy, electric vehicles, plastics, water, food waste & travel
October - Walk in Neighborhood to view non-lawn yards.
September - Meet to discuss areas of interest and plans for upcoming topics.
July - Summary of UN Climate Plan and MoCo Climate Action Plan
June - In-Person Composting Demonstration & Native Plant and Pollinator Gardens
May - Trees and Native Gardens; Ban on GPLBs update
April - 
Speaker: Michael Vacek; Topic: Tree Montgomery; Links: Tree Montgomery
March - "Bay-Wise" & Chesapeake "Wild Ones"
February - 
Speaker: Janette Rosenbaum; Topic: Native Plant Gardens; Links: Muddy Branch Alliance; Recording: Muddy Branch Presentation
January - 
Speaker: Nanci Wilkinson; Topic: Montgomery County Environmental Action Plan Update; Links: MoCo Climate Action Plan
Bradley Hills Village 
PO Box 341823
Bethesda, MD 20827
(240) 600-1846